Spoiler One Piece 634 dah keluar! Yahooo!


Sekarang One Piece dengan spoiler 634 dah release beb!

Tak sabar pulak aku nak tunggu full translation yang aku jangka awal pagi esok paling cepat waktu Malaysia.

Anyway, korang tengoklah dulu salah satu muka suratnya ye.. WUHOOO!

A little synopsis :
  Chapter 634: 100,000 vs 10
coverart is Straw Hat pirates + Camie, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Hachi, and the quintuplets all taking a stoll at the ocean floor

Flashback to Jinbe and others planning:
Jinbe proposed that if Jinbe pleads for help, the people will see that the Straw Hats were working with Jinbe, and Luffy will be treated as a hero
About the Ryuuguu Palace hostages... well, just do something about it. (lol)

A Fishman pirate leutenant says something but Straw Hats all ignore him.
Luffy calls Shirahoshi "Weakhoshi", but also tells her she wasn't as weak as he first thought.
Hody gets up and complains to Jinbe. He says Jinbe is the type he hates the most.
He plans to slaughter the kings at the Reverie (World Council) and start the legend of the terrifying Undersea Kingdom.
Hody says he's the most fit to become the true Pirate King.

Luffy is annoyed by Hody's mentioning of Pirate King
Under Hody's order, the 100,000 pirates all cry out and head for the Straw Hats.
As the Straw Hats get ready for battle, but Luffy steps out in front of them alone.
He uses the Conqueror's Haki to knock out half of them (50,000!)

Luffy: Hody, is it? YOU, I have to deal with myself.
I don't care what kind of king you wanna be, wherever you want... but there's only ONE king of the Pirates!!
Luffy goes Gear 3, and gets ready to rumble
The Straw Hats also all get ready to show their increased strength from the 2 year training

Credit :PowerMangaForum & MangaReader 

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-


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