Naruto 557 Spoiler is coming out!


I myself can't wait when is the release every week.

And guess what, Naruto 557 is coming out. I will update you guys back when is the translation done estimate by tomorrow morning.

A little synopsis:
NinA : Hail ?
Patience A hail…?
Oonoki : Due to the Steam Explosion, the raised up atmosphere turned cold due to the sky's low temperature, turned into hail, falling iceballs.

NinA : !?
NinB : What ... is it ?

The Steam Tyran's woke up.
557 : The Steam's Dangerous Tyrrany.
NinB : They're getting smaller.

Oonoki : This is merely a replicate created by Mizukage's own oil and water.
I takes the shape of a kid. Even though there's only water inside the oil,
as he's being excitable and easy to cool down.
As the action is getting longer, the surface oil suddenly gets hotter, the water gets hotter and evaporates.
Becoming the Steam Explosion. Due to the hail, he's getting colder and colder, preparing for another explosion.

The water replicate starts running to the Ninjas.
NinA : It's coming.
Gaara : !!
As Gaara's let his sand out, the water replicate dodge.

Gaara : He's wat faster than I thought.

Oonoki : We don't know where is the real one. I'll deal with this one.
We have to hit the real one. While he's using his technique, his body would look like someone drunk.

Mizukage : (This Oonoki brat, he does know a lot about this. Damn you, Muu, damn you to hell !)

Senor Nin : ( With the Genjutsu dispelled, I could sense him. )
The real one is behind that rock !

The water replicate attacks the Earth Nins.

NinA : Guh !
NinB : Shit ! This replicate is smart !
NinC : Are you okay ?
NinD : At least we catched up !

Oonoki : Aw, crap ! No my back again ! I can't catch a break, Can I ?

Mizukage : Ha ? The found me ?

Gaara : Before the hail stops, I'll seal you !
Gaara use sand.

The water replicate turns gigantic.
NinA : Seriously, what now ? The thing is getting enormous.

Oonoki : The more he's moving, the more the water will evaporate.
We'll get more hail then. His technique is still active.

The Mizukage is getting buried as the sand turns into a pyramid.
NinA : We got him !

Gaara put seal tags in the pyramid
Gaara : You're getting sealed.

The still active water replicate remove the seal tags.
Gaara : !!

As the pyramid is destroyed, the Mizukage comes out.
Mizukage : Hello, friends !

NinA : Shit ! ( he's throws Shurikens )

Mizukage lets out his head like in some whack-a-mole game

Mizukage : I hated that pyramid, glad I got rid of it.
I'm one of the former five kage, you know ? As long as my oil is around, you will get nowhere. Useless sand jutsu is useless.
If you're going to seal me right away, that is.
I would be quite pleased to know how you are going to finish me.

Oonoki : How about you tell us ?
Mizukage : Again ? I'm done with this, sorry.

Gaara : Since a while now you were a fearsome opponent, why ? do you want to get sealed or not ?

Mizukage : No. I was one of the 5 Kages. I'm really trying to help you there, from as certain point of view.

Oonoki : What do you mean ?
Mizukage : If you lot can't beat me as a team, that means I alone am better than you guys. Morons !

The water replicate jumps to Gaara and the others.
Mizukage : You will never defeat the enemy boss like this.

NinA : It's going to explode again.
NinB : We have to split up !

Mizukage : I thought I found the golden egg of the 5 Kage, Kazekage ! I'm disappoint, Kazekage !

Gaara : ...!
Explosion !
Naruto : Over there !

Dodai and Temari comes over the Earth Nins.
The hail fall again.

NinA : This is, the Sand Shield !
NinB : Kazekage-sama just protected us !
NinC : Where is Gaara-sama ?

As the explosion is going on, Gaara's sand take the shape of Karura and protects everyone.

Gaara use the sand to jump and land near the Mizukage.

Mizukage : ( He's protecting everyone at the risk of damaging himself, If you can't stop the clone it will always be the same. )

Gaara lets his sand out.
The water replicate dodge the sand.
Mizukage : ( So the hail stopped too, then I'm just getting started ! )

The water replicate attacks Gaara.

Mizukage : You just protected yourself all of a sudden, that was bad timing.
Gaara receives the attack but it turns out it was just another Sand Bunshin.

Mizukage : Another Sand Bunshin ? Yeah, I knew it.
The water replicate jumps.

Mizukage : So the real one is above ? What are you gonna do ? another explosion is coming.
Gaara attacks again
Mizukage : You won't get me with that sand of yours. Too slow.

Mizukage is captured.
The water clone is captured by the sand.
Mizukage : What the hell ? The sand just got faster, and that noise ?
The water replicate stops moving.

Mizukage : Did he did something with the gold that got mixed with he's fater gold sand during their battle ?

Gaara : I managed to hide a bit of my father's gold sand into my sand. Then your clone's heat made the gold mealt.
As the gold is 20 times heavier that sand, it got slower.

Mizukage : so that's why you could get me with the sand so easily. But why It didn't explode ?

Gaara : The hail just made my sand cold enough.
The gold helped too because it helps conducting heat.

Mizukage : In the end you were worthy of the Kage title. Good planning too, I'm amazed. Wait ...

Mizukage : You were a gold egg after all.

Credit to : Narutoverse & MangaReader

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

Wordless Wednesday [5 GAMBAR]

-Bersambung aka To Be Continue-

Koi bangga jadik anok Pahang!

Hari ni aku dok terlayan pulak Youtube lagu-lagu negeri Pahang, negeri kelahiranku :)

'Koi' tu dalam loghat Pahang maksudnya SAYA. Berbalik pulak pada topik entry kali ni ingin memperkenalkan lagu yang dibawakan oleh Razak Ahmad yang versi asalnya daripada Dato Md Aripin. Persamaan kedua-duanya ialah semuanya anak jati Pahang macam koi hehe :)

Lagu Indung Indung-Indung,
Anak dagang pergilah merantau,
membawa keris luk tujuhbelas,
Hai besilah dititik besilah dititik,
Diasaplah kemenyan tunggal,
Dibasuh air belimbing buloh,

Bisanya keris tidak terkira,
Sebulan sebulan dagang mengalas lalu,
Jejak ditikam mati juga,
Setitik setitik darah jatuhlah kelaut,
Setahun ikan tidak bermain.

Setitik setitik darah jatuhlah kedarat,
Semusim padi tidak menjadi.

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

Dia datang! teng teng teng! Dengan lenggang lenggok nya..

Haha! sayu sungguh menengok blog aku yang ni.. ranking sudah jatuh ke tangga sejuta wei! kalau dapat duit sejuta, mau la jugak ekeke!

Aku tak nak merapu panjang, dengan tajuk entry ini.. Aku dengan berbesar hatinya ingin memperkenalkan buah hati, pengarang jantung yang ku sayang(hehe, amekkk koo!).. Aka my GFF :)

"Hai hai uols, salam sayang dari iols untuk uolss semua yahh!!.. nama iols Fasya tapi selalu tak lah gegedix macam ni.. cuma dalam entry mamat poyo ni aje kehkeh!"

Ye, sebagaimana yang kalian tahu(tu pon kalau tahu, tak tahu.. takpe).. Beliau ini telah mencoretkan warkah yang cukup indah buat diri ini disini. Aku membaca dengan penuh berhati-hati agar tak tertinggal satu huruf, satu titik pon.. Dan ini adalah entry atau tampalan balasan buat awak. Ye awak yang telah hadir dalam hidup saya sehingga merubah dunia saya menjadi cukup bermakna dan indah sekali :). Saya rasa sayalah orang paling bertuah dalam dunia ini sebab jumpa awak.

Awak bagi saya ialah satu anugerah yang tidak ternilai dan tiada tolok bandingnya dengan harta seluruh dunia. Saya cukup senang dengan awak walau kadang-kadang saya sengal dan cepat benar sentap(mungkin sindrom umur bertambah kott).

Saya tak pernah merasai nikmat kasih sayang selain dari keluarga saya sendiri. Ye, awak telah hadir dalam hati saya lalu saya memberi peluang untuk berkenalan lebih rapat sebab awak ni UNIK bagi saya.. Saya takkan jumpa insan seperti awak sebab awaklah satu-satunya makhluk Tuhan paling comel.. Itulah sebab walau awak merendahkan diri sebab fizikal awak.. cepat-cepat saya marah dan saya berkata, 'Awak COMEL!' hehe.

Mungkin awak membaca entry ini sambil berkata 'Poyo!'.. tapi saya tak kisah pun sebab you really know me well dear. Bila awak berada di sisi saya, saya rasa amat dihargai. Terima kaseh awak yang comel!

Awak kadang-kadang buat my blood going upstairs you know! Tapi awak tetap bersabar demi saya, dan saya tiada itu dalam diri saya membuatkan saya cukup kagum. Saya kadang-kadang malu jugak sebab awak selalu puji saya baik. Awak, saya selalu ada untuk awak tau.. Tak kisah lah bertapa poyo warkah ini sebab saya ni memang poyo pon hehe.

Saya mengharapkan agar perhubungan kita ini akan diredhai oleh NYA dan menjadi satu ikatan abadi andai ada jodoh antara kita. Tetapi tak mengapa, walau apa pun terjadi, saya akan selalu ada untuk awak sebab awak akan selalu ada dalam hati ini sebab you will always be Girl Friend Forever & Ever :).

Saya janji dan terima kasih sebab awak hadir dalam hidup saya dengan kasih sayang serta semangat untuk saya meneruskan hidup ini. Bersama selamanya tak kira awak dengan siapa atau saya dengan siapa pun..

-Bersambung aka To be continue-

Spoiler One Piece 639 dah keluar! Waaaaa!


Sekarang One Piece dengan spoiler 639 dah release beb! Kini baru mendapat.

Tak sabar pulak aku nak tunggu full translation yang aku jangka awal pagi esok paling cepat waktu Malaysia.

Anyway, korang tengoklah dulu antara muka surat yang agak menarik ni...

A little synopsis:
Chapter 639: I'll protect all
coverstory: Alabasta Kingdom, this is the year of Reverie, Chaka and Pell wearing new clothes for it

Decken is stabbed, but he reaches out with his left hand and touches Hody to lock on
The reason Hody stabbed him is because if Decken dies, his powers should go away and the ark will fall on Fishman Island
Decken throws an axe at him, but Hody dodges. The axe returns to him, but Hody uses Decken as a shield so it comes straight for him.

Hody goes after Shirahoshi before the ark falls
Manboshi and Ryuuboshi comes in to stop, but he blows them away easily
He hops on back of Shirahoshi and attemps to kill her, but Luffy stops him just in time with Gomu Gomu Snake Gun. (Snake gun?)
Fukaboshi and Shirahoshi comes together (Luffy on Fukaboshi's back)
Hody tells him he can't protect anything
Luffy replies he'll protect everything, that's what the last two years were for

The scene changes to the plaza.
Zeo convinces Wadatsumi to battle Surume
The feed Wadatsumi ES pills, and he knocks out Surume
He then goes after Jinbe, but Jinbe replies with a roundhouse kick that takes him down
The gust of wind caused by the fight knocks Nami down, and Sanji kicks his head in rage
Sanji & Jinbe vs ES Wadatsumi
Zoro vs ES Houzou (Hyouzou eats ES pill like a side-dish to his sake, and wakes up lol)

End of chapter

Credit :PowerMangaForum & MangaFox

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

Naruto 555 Spoiler is coming out!


I myself can't wait when is the release every week.

And guess what, Naruto 555 is coming out. I will update you guys back when is the translation done estimate by tomorrow morning.

A little synopsis:
Raikage is defeated by Sage Naruto
Gaara vs Jellyfish(I guess Mizukage's clam)

Bijuudama failed
We hear the tale of how Raikage got the chest injury.
**The 8tails doesn't really remember the details, just that it got defeated(I guess the 8tails is telling us the story)
Naruto turns into Sennin Mode and prepares Rasengan

He gets in very close and manages to hit Raikage's arm
Raikage defeated, stabs/injures himself, his own chest with his right hand.

Raikage tells us that the previous fight with the 8tails is his shame, and because he committed suicide nobody was told about it.
(I think he tells us that the chest wound was caused by himself, when he stabbed himself and died)

Credit to : Narutoverse & MangaReader

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

Kutip, kutip & kutip lagi

Adoii, terbiar bersemak-samun blog aku semenjak dua menjak ni.. Hari ni aku mendapat ilham baru pasal tabiat rakyat Malaysia ku. Enjoice!

Dimana ade lori tembikai terbalik..

Disitulah rezeki terpijak(ye lah tu..)

Ini kes lori bawak beras eksiden, ramai yg dtg 'bantu' kutip beras berterabur atas jalan raya.. Ramai yg mengaut keuntungan makan beras percuma stok sebulan.

Hahh atas ni pulak kes jip eksiden bawak duit syiling berterabur atas jalan raya.. Lagi ramai dtg 'bantu' kutip duit dari membantu mangsa.. ish! ish!

Tapi yang peliknya kat bawah ni...

Bergelimpangan haiwan 'haremm' itu dimana-mana.. takde siapa yang pedulikan untuk mengutip..

Sedangkan ke enam-enam gambar di atas tetap HARAM untuk dilakukan..

Kehkehkeh!.. Malaysiaku tercinta :)

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

Spoiler One Piece 638 dah keluar! Cayalaaa!


Sekarang One Piece dengan spoiler 638 dah release beb! Kini baru mendapat.

Tak sabar pulak aku nak tunggu full translation yang aku jangka awal pagi esok paling cepat waktu Malaysia.

Anyway, korang tengoklah dulu antara muka surat yang agak menarik dalam siri yang lepas. Yeah!

A little synopsis for the latest chapter:

Chapter 638: Runawayhoshi
Cover: Alabasta Kingdom. Koza,the Royal Minister of Enviroment

Shirahoshi runs to the sea, but the front gate is too far so she found a different exit
Jinbe cautions Luffy that strength of a fishman underwater is far more powerful than on land
Sanji does the Armée de L'Air Rubber Shot to shoot Luffy past two bubbles, and Luffy grabs onto the Noah's chains.
Hody is on the chain ahead of him

Luffy sees down, and sees the denizens of the island desperately trying to slow down Noah
Hody shoots Yabusame at them mercilessly, and Luffy is pissed

Shirahoshi heads to the passage leading to Ryuuguu Palace entrance, and exits to the sea from there
The Noah chases her, dragging Luffy into the sea. He uses the bubble from the coral and gets in, but Hody comes after him

Decken throws knives at Shirahoshi again, but the three princes protects her
The Princes were told by Neptune that the Ark of Noah should not be harmed.
Shirahoshi flees to above, and the two of the brothers and Hoe the whale goes after Decken.
Luffy was saved by Fukaboshi, but Hody brings out a sword named Kirisame, shaped like the fin of a shark, and swims towards him
Luffy flees to the deck of Noah, but Hody got there first.

Hody stabs Decken with a spear!!
Hody: What will happen to this ship if you die... Decken?

Credit :PowerMangaForum

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

Naruto 554 Spoiler is coming out! Yihaa!


I myself can't wait when is the release every week.

And guess what, Naruto 554 is coming out. I will update you guys back when is the translation done estimate by tomorrow morning.

Last page for previous chapter..

A little synopsis:
i'll just summarize everything up.
naruto tries three rasen shuriken.the first two missed but the third hit raikage.
but the damage wasnt that great,so he cant be sealed.

raikage focused all his chakra to his hand and attacks.
doton user tries to use doton heki to defend but is easily destroyed by the raikage.
raikage was once said to be able to withstand any kind of jutsus.

naruto saw a scar on right chest that was caused by eight tails.
naruto uses bijuu dama.
end of chapter.

Credit to : Narutoverse

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

She Will Be Loved - Cover version by Boyce Avenue & Tiffany Alvord

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times
But somehow I want more

I don't mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved
And she will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door's always open
You come anytime you want

I don't mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

I know where you hide alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls, yeah

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending every day
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
(Please don't try so hard to say goodbye)
And she will be loved

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
(I don't mind spending every day)
(Out on your corner in the pouring rain)
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

-Bersambung- aka -To be continue-

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